Who Invited You?

Who Invited You?

Did your parents or grandparents raise you to love the Lord? Were you invited to church by a friend at school or work? Did you encounter God through a service or program of some kind? Maybe a perfect stranger prayed for you in a moment of need and shared their faith journey.

How did you first learn about Jesus?

Did your parents or grandparents raise you to love the Lord?

Were you invited to church by a friend at school or work?

Did you encounter God through a service or program of some kind?

Maybe a perfect stranger prayed for you in a moment of need and shared their faith journey.

At some point in your life, someone introduced you to Jesus.

They made a choice to tell you about His love.

They shared the Good News that Jesus, the Son of God, was born, lived, and died on the cross so every one of us can be forgiven of sin, and join Him in Heaven for all eternity.

Do you remember that first conversation? It might stand out as a single life-altering moment, or your introduction to faith might be woven into the fabric of childhood, small moments that combine to make a picture tinged by grace.

However you came to the cross, there is probably someone, or more than one someone, who answered God’s call to share the Gospel and invite others to embrace a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

What if that introduction, or conversation, had never happened? How would your life be different, without Jesus in it?

If you’ve personally taken the brave step to share the Good News about Jesus, then you know just how exciting it is to unpack the gift of God’s love with someone who doesn’t know Him yet.

The conversation can be bold and splashy...or quiet and humble.

It’s exhilarating. It changes lives.

And it’s easier than you think!

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

—John 3:16


On and around the date of 3.16, it feels like the right time to seek out people who need Jesus (#everyone) and keep our eyes open to opportunities to share the Gospel. It’s why we do what we do.

Kerusso began in 1987 with a simple mission:

Proclaiming the Good News to the world through products about Jesus.

We believe if you change your shirt, you can change the world, and we often hear stories of people just like you who start conversations about faith that lead people to Jesus — all because they were wearing a Christian T-shirt.

When you count your blessings, remember the person (or people) who loved you enough to tell you about Jesus. Then, prayerfully consider how you might share the message of God’s grace with others.

For God so loved the world...and because of Jesus, everything is different.

Don’t keep that great Good News to yourself! Explore our collection of faith-based T-shirts, Accessories and Gifts today.